
Information about COVID-19 status in Namibia
COVID19 in Namibia
Namibia Welcomes back all International Tourists & Arrivals
Namibia’s state of emergency ended, and international travel resume from 18 September 2020
Following protocols are now in place:
- All travellers who arrive in Namibia, should have a negative PCR test result, which is not older than 72 hours.
- All travellers will then be permitted to proceed to their final destination in the country, travellers no longer require taking a 5-day re-test.
- All travellers who arrive in Namibia with a negative PCR test result, that is older than 72 hours, but not older than 7 days, will be permitted to enter the country, BUT will be required to quarantine at home or at a registered tourism facility for 7 days. In the case if establishments do not fulfil quarantine standards, travellers will be placed in a Government quarantine facility at own cost.
- Non-Namibians, who do not present a negative Covid-19 PCR test result, will not be permitted to enter the country.
Namibia Government continues to carefully monitor COVID-19-situation and remains vigilant in combatting he virus, with its main priority being the safety and well-being of Namibia’s residents and those visiting withing the borders.